Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#15 - Web 2.0 and where it willt ake libraries...

Wow, what a fascinating bunch of articles. I read them all. I;m a bit starved for inspiration at them moent, so they were a godsend. I reall liked Rick Anderson's article about the three icebergs. I studied the "just in casvs just in time" theory in management subjects at uni, and think his application of this to library collections fascinating. Especially non-fiction collections.

And I love the idea in both the metadat article and the last articlew about incorporating Web 2.o features from Google and Amazon into the library catalogue. I think it's a great idea to allow customers to review books, and an even better idea for staff to tag books they've read and a rating or very quick review. Loads of borrowers at Mornington rely on Zofia's recommendations, let's get this wealth of knowledge online! And imagine if we had hierarchical browsing by place, it would be like Google Earth and a LMS combined. Very Cool.

But perhaps we could start with a few more links to good book review blogs on our webpage.... Anyone got any good sites we should be recommending??

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